Actuarial Services

Our actuaries consider long-term trends and potential risks to ensure your benefits program remains sustainable and adaptable to changing market conditions.

Enhance Program Sustainability with High-Quality Actuarial Services

Actuarial expertise helps you ensure the long-term financial viability of your employee benefits offerings. Our partnership begins with an initial consultation and continues through ongoing support and guidance as your organization evolves.


Our team of professional actuaries evaluate potential risks and liabilities so you can make proactive adjustments to keep your program sustainable. We help you identify areas for optimization, project future healthcare expenses, and if needed, assist you in navigating mergers and aquisitions.

Actuarial Services Key Benefits

Our actuaries use sophisticated modeling tools to forecast future healthcare costs, predict claims experience, and develop strategic funding plans to ensure your benefits program remains sustainable over time.

Analyze Plan Design

We analyze your current plan design and identify areas for improvement, including optimizing benefit levels, implementing cost-sharing strategies, and exploring alternative plan structures.

Strategy Development

Actuarial analysis removes the guesswork from benefits management resulting in professional recommendations and strategic decisions.

Mitigating Risk & Claims Management

We help you develop strategies to mitigate potential risks associated with high-cost claims.

Merger & Acquisition Support

Our actuaries evaluate data used for M&A due diligence, ensuring a clear understanding of potential employee benefit liabilities, and then guide integration strategies.

Enhance Employee Recruitment and Engagement

A well-designed and cost-effective benefits program helps organizations attract and retain top talent by ensuring your benefits program remains sustainable over time.

Analyze Plan Design

We analyze your current plan design and identify areas for improvement, including optimizing benefit levels, implementing cost-sharing strategies, and exploring alternative plan structures.

Strategy Development

Actuarial analysis removes the guesswork from benefits management resulting in professional recommendations and strategic decisions.

Mitigating Risk & Claims Management

We help you develop strategies to mitigate potential risks associated with high-cost claims.

Merger & Acquisition Support

Our actuaries evaluate data used for mergers and acquisitions due diligence, ensuring a clear understanding of potential employee benefit liabilities, and then guide integration strategies.

Enhance Employee Recruitment and Engagement

A well-designed and cost-effective benefits program helps organizations attract and retain top talent by ensuring your benefits program remains sustainable over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Actuarial services involve applying mathematical and statistical analysis to assess risk related to employee benefits programs. Evans National’s actuaries can help you:

  • Control healthcare costs: Project future healthcare expenses and identify cost-saving opportunities

  • Make informed benefit design decisions: Analyze the financial impact of different plan design options

  • Ensure benefit program sustainability: Evaluate the long-term financial viability of your employee benefit program’s offerings

  • Manage risk associated with claims: Develop strategies to mitigate potential risks associated with high-cost claims

We offer a comprehensive range of actuarial services, including:

  • Employee benefit valuation: Determine the current and future cost liabilities associated with your employee benefits programs

  • Healthcare claims analysis: Analyze historical claims data to identify trends and cost drivers

  • Benefit design modeling: Model the financial impact of potential changes to your benefits program design

  • Reserve analysis: Assess the adequacy of your current reserves for future benefit claims.

  • Other projections and studies

No! Actuarial services can be valuable to businesses of all sizes. Evans National tailors our services to meet your company’s specific needs and budget.

Our team of actuaries are credentialed members of professional actuarial organizations with extensive experience in employee benefits and risk management.

Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll discuss your specific needs and goals and recommend the most appropriate actuarial services.

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