Captive Insurance Solutions

Explore how captive insurance transforms businesses by offering cost savings, tailored risk management, and potential profits through self-insurance solutions.

What is Captive Insurance?

Captive insurance solutions offer a unique alternative to traditional insurance models by allowing a group of businesses (typically with 100 to 500 employees) to form their own insurance entity—Employee Benefits Group Captive.

A well-structured captive insurance program provides tremendous potential for significant cost savings compared to traditional insurance plans. When an organization experiences a period of healthy claims activity, a portion of the savings typically retained by traditional insurance carriers can be captured by the entity itself.

This translates to financial benefits that can be reinvested back into the business or employee well-being initiatives, particularly through a health insurance captive program.

Key Benefits of a Captive Insurance Program

We assist you in determining whether a captive insurance program is the right fit for your business. As your strategic partner, we guide you through the entire implementation process of your health insurance captive program and provide ongoing management support to ensure optimal performance.


Enhance Risk Management​

Proactive risk management strategies within your organization potentially lead to reduced claims and healthier employees. Make educated decisions about benefits program design, risk management strategies, and future healthcare budgeting.

Long-Term Strategy​

Captives act as a buffer against year-to-year fluctuations in claims’ costs and provide greater predictability and stability for your budget.

Increase Flexibility & Control​

Gain greater visibility into your claims data and cost drivers. Exercise control over your existing provider network and Third-Party Administrator (TPA) relationships.

Reduce Administrative Costs​

Eliminate the profit margin typically retained by traditional insurance carriers so your organization can potentially capture a portion of the savings when claims are low.

Reduce Healthcare Costs

Implement wellness programs that encourage healthy employee behaviors while reducing claims costs. Employees can participate in preventive care initiatives and make educated decisions about their healthcare.

Access to Unlimited Expertise with a Smooth Implementation​

Receive unlimited guidance through our nationwide network of Captive Specialists who guide you through the Captive formation process.

Why Choose Captive Insurance Solutions?

Captive insurance solutions are increasingly becoming the go-to choice for businesses seeking more control and transparency over their insurance programs. Unlike traditional insurance, where premiums are paid to third-party carriers with little insight into how those funds are managed, a captive insurance program allows businesses to retain and invest their own premiums. This not only provides the potential for greater financial returns but also gives businesses the flexibility to tailor coverage to their specific needs.

Additionally, companies that adopt captive insurance solutions often experience improved risk management and a stronger focus on employee wellness, as the program incentivizes maintaining a healthy workforce. This proactive approach ultimately leads to reduced claims and lower overall costs.


How a Health Insurance Captive Program Can Benefit Your Business?

A health insurance captive program offers unique advantages for businesses looking to optimize their employee benefits while managing costs effectively. Pooling resources with other like-minded companies allows your business to enjoy the benefits of self-insurance without bearing the full burden of risk alone. The shared risk in a health insurance captive program often leads to more stable premiums and fewer fluctuations compared to traditional insurance plans.

Moreover, businesses can customize their health insurance offerings to better meet the needs of their workforce, resulting in higher employee satisfaction and retention. With the ability to directly influence claims management and wellness initiatives, a health insurance captive program empowers businesses to create a healthier, more productive workplace.

Captive Insurance Key Benefits

We assist you in determining whether an Insurance Captive is the right fit for your business. As your strategic partner, we guide you through the entire implementation process and provide ongoing management support to ensure optimal performance.

Enhance Risk Management

Proactive risk management strategies within your organization potentially lead to reduced claims and healthier employees. Make educated decisions about benefits program design, risk management strategies, and future healthcare budgeting.

Long-Term Strategy

Captives act as a buffer against year-to-year fluctuations in claims’ costs and provide greater predictability and stability for your budget.

Increase Flexibility & Control

Gain greater visibility into your claims data and cost drivers. Exercise control over your existing provider network and Third-Party Administrator (TPA) relationships.


Reduce Administrative Costs

Eliminate the profit margin typically retained by traditional insurance carriers so your organization can potentially capture a portion of the savings when claims are low.

Reduce Healthcare Costs

Implement wellness programs that encourage healthy employee behaviors while reducing claims costs. Employees can participate in preventive care initiatives and make educated decisions about their healthcare.

Access to Unlimited Expertise with a Smooth Implementation

Receive unlimited guidance through our nationwide network of Captive Specialists who guide you through the Captive formation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Captive Insurance allows a group of like-minded businesses, typically with 100 to 500 employees each, to form their own insurance entity – an Employee Benefit Group Captive. This collaborative approach gives businesses more control over their employee benefit costs and potentially reduces premiums.

Captives can be a good fit for mid-sized companies with a history of stable claims experience and a desire for greater control over their benefits program. We can help you assess your eligibility.

Benefits Stop-Loss Captives (a specific type designed for employee benefits), are streamlined and often require minimal changes to your existing benefits structure. We work with experienced partners to ensure a smooth implementation process and ongoing support.

The transition to a captive is typically a seamless experience for employees. They most likely won’t notice any changes to their healthcare access or network.

Captive structures are designed with robust reinsurance policies to protect against high-cost claims which actually mitigates potential risks and reduces exposure.

  • Reduced Costs: Captives offer the potential for significant cost savings over traditional insurance plans when claims are low.

  • Increased Control: Captives provide greater transparency into claims data and decision-making power over your benefits program.

  • Improved Risk Management: Captives incentivize proactive wellness initiatives potentially leading to lower claims and a healthier workforce.

  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Employees and stakeholders can feel a stronger sense of ownership over their healthcare costs.

We can help you:

  • Assess your eligibility

  • Develop a customized Captive strategy

  • Connect with experienced Captive specialists

  • Thrive throughout your Captive journey with ongoing support

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